Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Blast from the Past

So the other day I went and saw the movie, "Captain America" I LOVED IT! The biggest reason why I think I enjoyed it so much was because it took place around the 1940's and World War 2. This is my FAVORITE time era! If I could choose to be born in any other time it would be the 1940's. I love everything about this time in history! The fashion, the music, the dancing, everything! I still wish to this day that people would swing dance more often because it is so much fun and I think it's way cool! I could honestly listen to 1940's music all day! It is so upbeat, happy, and romantic at times. One of my favorite movies of ALL time takes place during this time era, "The Notebook." AH! I love everything about that movie. For some reason, people in the 1940's just seem so genuine and and the romance seems so timeless! The 1940's will always be my favorite and if you're into that kind of vintage stuff totally watch The Notebook or Captain America :) You'll LOVE IT!! :)

 World War 2 Poster ads were so effective back then, advertising has changed so much.
 The Notebook... I love it so much! And the fashion in the movie is just amazing!
 Swing dancing is so much fun! I wish people would do it more often :)
 Captain America is such a fun story! Go see the movie! It's awesome!!
Yes, this is completely adorable and sweet! Ah!! Love it!

1 comment:

  1. love love love love love the notebook. and lots of things in this post!
