Friday, July 29, 2011

A Little Less Wisdom

So monday was an exciting day because I had the lovely opportunity to get my wisdom teeth out! I honestly hate going to the doctor, dentist, or anything that has to do with blood or sitting in a chair while someone you don't know prods you with sharp objects. So I was VERY nervous for this appointment. For some reason the idea of a chemical putting me to sleep without my consent didn't settle well with me. And to make it worse, they give you a tutorial before and tell you that it could be "potentially fatal" WHAT?! I mean that's the worse thing that anyone could have said to me right before I have to get put under! So for moral support my mom, sister, and my sweet boyfriend Tyler all accompanied me to the procedure. They brought a video camera to film me after I woke up to capture how I would react to the "sleeping drugs." I told them all that I was probably going to act perfectly normal and I wouldn't be emotional or loopy or anything.... but boy. was. I. WRONG! As you can see in the following video, I'm probably the most loopy and especially emotional, diva, four-year-old in the entire world!!! This video is super embarrassing, but I thought it would be good for a few laughs :)

Pretty embarrassing right? But good for a few giggles ;) so in the end my recovery was super fast! The day I got them out was the most painful but after that I hardly felt any pain! I only had a little swelling and I was actually able to go to Lagoon with Tyler and his family on Thursday! So my recovery was pretty quick! The whole experience was one of the weirdest things of my life but also one of the most memorable.

Watching "Tangled" with an ice pack :)

I have the best boyfriend in the entire world who stayed with me all day! Love him!! He's the sweetest.

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