Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Little Bit of New Years Posting

Words can't even describe how excited I am for the new year but completely dreading it at the same time. So many great things are going to happen during 2012! I'm going to finish my first year of college! (I'm hoping my second semester is completely different than the first), I'm going to be able to spend an incredible Summer with my best friend and sweetheart Tyler, and I'm going to be moving out in the fall for College year 2 with my best friends Jessica and Emily to this awesome apartment where we are going to have a total blast!

On the downside, Tyler leaves for his mission this summer. I mean, it's not a total downside. He's going to have one of the most incredible, spiritual experiences of his life and I am so proud of him! No one deserves to go on a mission more than he does. He is SO passionate about the gospel and has a testimony that I truly admire and look up to. BUT it's still going to be hard. I know I'm going to miss him like crazy and I can't imagine not having my best friend in the whole world by my side but some things are inevitable. At least this experience will be bittersweet :) 24 months isn't that long right? ;)

But for right now I have many new years resolutions! But my top two are to be HAPPY and to be POSITIVE! I'm going to try to let nothing bring me down and to have a truly positive attitude for whatever is thrown my way in the future. I am SO excited for my next semester and 2012 will truly be... well... different. It will be an experience that's for sure.

Tyler and I went downtown to celebrate the new year with a bunch of our friends! It was so much fun!! Happy new year!!!

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