Alright, after trying to figure out what I want to do with my life over the past few months at college, I think I've come to the conclusion on what my ambitions truly are. For my career I want to run my own photography and video making business on the side, but I have decided I want to shoot for being a fashion photographer. Every time I open a fashion magazine I always gaze at the pictures and imagine what I would have done if I would have taken that shot. Or just how much fun it would be to take pictures of models and CLOTHES in general! It would be incredible!
Ambition number two: I. love. musical. theatre. I love it! It has been my life for as long as I can remember! I can't remember a time when I wasn't onstage! I love theatre so much, both straight theatre and musical theatre and I can't imagine my life without performing. My dream has ALWAYS been to be a young ambassador at BYU, or to at least get into the MDT program. I know it's extremely hard to make the cut, but I'll never know until I try. I'm already signed up to take dance classes and I am still looking for a singing teacher that can help me improve. But I know if I work hard enough and believe in myself, anything is possible. Last year I had some peers tell me that it was a long shot and that I shouldn't get my hopes up. They told me that I had no idea what I was talking about when it came to theatre and I didn't understand theatre and basically that I wasn't as good as they were. They got me so discouraged that I decided I didn't even want to do theatre anymore, and I gave up on it. But you know what they say... "You never realize how much you miss something until it's gone." Well that is SO TRUE!! I realized that I can't give up on it! I missed it too much and I'm not making that mistake again. So I'm going to shoot for it! And even if I don't make it, I'll still audition for musicals and plays at different theaters because I don't think I could ever give up this passion.
So whether I'm going to major in digital media, photography, or MDT... it's all up in the air. But what I do know is that I'm going to work my hardest, take advantage of opportunites, let no one put me down or get in my way, and reach for my dreams, and let myself be happy in whatever I do.
Emilie, You are one TALENTED girl. Don't believe what anyway says about you not being able to do theatre. You are a ray of sunshine on the stage, I've seen it for myself. :) Whatever you decide to do, you will excel in. I'm pretty darn sure of that. Love and miss you!