Saturday, November 12, 2011

Magical Nights and Lucky Days

So the other day my bestfriend/boyfriend Tyler surprised me with tickets to go see DISNEY ON ICE!! Now I know what you're thinking... isn't Disney on Ice for five-year-olds? But the answer to that is NO!! :) I am obsessed with anything Disney and so is Tyler, so we pretty much had the most magical date ever! (Granted, we DID act like over-excited five-year-olds the whole time... so we blended right in.) OH! and not only did we get to experience amazing disney magic, but we go to see the show on 11-11-11! Ok... you can't get more magical than that ;)

So the show was utterly amazing and I may or may not have cried maybe three or four times out of pure joy. After strolling around gateway, eating asian food (which I almost died from because I'm allergic to peanuts and there were peanuts in the food), watching the most beautiful, magical, disney show on ice ever, Ty and I went back to my house to watch Aladdin. NOW this is where things get pretty crazy! So on 11-11-11 at 11:11 PM we reached the part of the movie where Aladdin and Jasmine have just finished singing "A Whole New World" and then they kiss! SO NATURALLY Tyler gave me a kiss at the same time as Jasmine and Aladdin at exactly 11:11 PM!! It was perfect timing if there ever was perfect timing! I mean... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! You can't get anymore magical than that! ;)

All the disney princes and princesses... so amazing.

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